
First time job applicants no longer need to fear the blank sheet of paper

The volunteers at Foreningen Fisken are dedicated to helping young people find their way in life. A big step towards becoming an independent adult is getting the first part time job. Fisken wanted to increase the reach of their job application guidance by creating an online application generator, and asked Plant to design and develop the website.

We gladly took on the exciting challenge and kicked off the cooperation with a Design Sprint. The resulting concept was inspired by the profile pages of LinkedIn and Duolingo which can be gradually filled out in any order. Thus, at any point the user can choose to export their profile to a PDF that takes the shape of a real job application which can then be printed and handed to the potential employer.

To keep the guidance helpful and relatable we introduced a friendly conversational interface imitating interpersonal interactions via text message or Facebook Messenger with the occasional emoji 😍

Apart from the application generator the website also contains educational videos and quizzes to help the applicants prepare for their first job interview.



  • UX Designer

UX Methods

  • Sketching
  • Wireframing
  • Prototyping
  • Interviews
  • Usability tests


  • Responsive web app
  • Job application generator
